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She moved with her family to Spain in 1989 and after studying Fine Arts and a Master in Creation and Research in Visual Arts between the cities of Pontevedra, Cuenca, Puebla (Mexico), and Mainz (Germany), she took a step towards the cold climate and moved to Berlin in 2008. 


There she lives developing her Freelance work as an illustrator and freelance artists assistant, with past projects such as her co-foundation of iCollective (artists collective) and Bootsbau Gallery Project.



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Tropical Affairs collection


Tropical Affairs Serie- 2019-2020 


Tropical Affairs was born as a series of digital illustrations in which nature appears combined with architectural 


 The buildings or cities appear semi-hidden, not allowing us direct access but rather intuiting.


 This architecture that is on the other side is a reflection of ideals, looking for a dreamed habitable place that does not exist or that we have not yet found.

© 2020 e0n.20-  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


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